In honor of urban thinker extraordinaire Jane Jacobs, Curbed is teaming up with Lisa Chamberlain at Polis to sponsor a contest to name the Most Jane Jacobs Block in New York City. As Lisa puts it, "The idea is to celebrate the 'street ballet' of your favorite block," keeping in mind Jane Jacobs' neighborhood tenets, but with your own spin. The directions:
· Choose a single block within NYC (define the street, and the cross-streets)
· Submit at least 3 but up to 6 pictures of the block
· Write 250 words or less describing the block and its Jacobsian characteristics. Any style welcome.
· Video in lieu of pictures and words (2 min or less) is cool
Entries can be submitted directly to the new Jane Jacobs Block Photo Pool on Flickr (and tagged janejacobsblock), or by email. We'll narrow down the finalists and run them here, then open it up for you to vote for the winner. The winner will receive $500 and no small glory. Deadline for submissions is Friday, May 12. Updates-a-plenty to follow here and at Polis, so stay tuned.
· Jane Jacobs Block Photo Pool [Flickr]
· Nominate the Best Jane Jacobs Block in NYC [Polis]
· Jane Jacobs, 1916-2006 [Curbed]