Living With Legends, the Hotel Chelsea blog, hosted a party over the weekend. The blog has been chronicling the dark and quirky side of living in the
Chelsea Hotel for a year now, and I have to say, it was one of the more interesting evenings I've had in awhile. I met fascinating and slightly crazy artists, musicians, composers, photographers, designers and writers who have lived in the hotel for years and even decades, and boy do they have stories to tell. I'll have more to say about the party, the people and the hotel when I get passed a couple of other deadlines, but
here's a slide show. The party took place in an apartment where
Thomas Wolfe once lived (and wrote
You Can't Go Home Again -- how appropriate), which is now occupied by photographer
Julia Calfee (her B&W photos adorn the walls). Debbie & Ed, Living With Legends bloggers, live one apartment over.
Click here to see a slide show of the Living With Legends anniversary party.