Monday, August 08, 2005

Big New York Stories

New Proposals Afoot for Javits Expansion and Now-Jetless Railyards
"... with the stadium proposal now dead and state officials moving forward with plans to build a new $930 million train station east of the railyards in honor of the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, some developers, tourism officials, urban planners and architects are now quietly circulating three alternative plans for a larger expansion of the convention center and ideas for what could be built over the railyards."

The Museum at the End of the Line
"It is hard to picture a distinguished exhibition space in this booming neighborhood, a strange mix of trendy nightclubs, expensive boutiques and industrial meat lockers. But for Dia, that is the dream - one it hopes to realize in as little as two years at an estimated cost of $33 million."

Blog and Grind
"Mimi, a
Cambridge grad, couldn't get a journalist's visa and ended up at a gentlemen's club. The experience has given her much to write about."

Uncle Sam Sells Air Rights, and Preservationists Cringe
"The transfer of the air rights, from the Cooper Station in the
East Village and the Times Square Station on West 42nd Street
, will allow developers of adjacent properties to erect far larger buildings than they otherwise could."