Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Who's Spending $11.5 to Live on Literary Row?

I'm momentarily breaking my silence here on Polis (see next item), but since I've already wasted time today doing a post for the Times real estate blog about a record-breaking sale in Manhattan, here's the scoop: Over at The Walk-Through, "Give Us Your Rich, Your Famous..." is about a townhouse on W. 10th Street that sold for $11.5 million. This breaks the previous record for a single-family home below 34th street of $9.3 million on E. 11th St. The buyer is listed as Doves' Nest NYC LLC, but who that is exactly remains unknown ... for now. Anyone got more info?

Update: Curbed and some readers chime in with a little more info, but not much, except to say that chances are, the buyer is unlikely to be a celeb. As soon as I know more, you'll know more (probably sometime after Curbed knows more).